Sunday, December 14, 2008

O Christmas Tree!

Our finished product, I should have taken the pic in the dark, it is much prettier!
This would be what we typically see going on, body slamming, dog piles, all that good stuff!

My crazy kids, they really do love each other this much!

Russ hiding under the tree, he looks a bit scared


We got our tree on Dec. 1st. We set out for FHE to find a tree, at first it was to find a fake tree, so after going from store to store looking for the best deal (I can't imagine ever paying full price for anything) Todd decided that I should wait & get a tree after Christmas when they are clearanced off. All of the ones I loved were over $300 and well if the kids would rather the tree be their Christmas it wasn't really an option! So Todd talked me in to a real tree. We went to a tree lot near Indian School/Litchfield and found an 8 or so foot tall tree. I don't know what kind it is, just that it is bushy & green & smells Christmasy. We didn't get home with the tree until after 10, so we didn't get to decorate it until the next night. The kids had a blast as usual decorating the tree. When Brennen was a baby on his first Christmas I got him an ornament, so it has become tradition in the Hall home that every year the kids pick out 1 new ornament that they love, & the kids have so much fun every year going through & picking out all their ornaments and putting them up. So far this year we haven't even had time to go pick any new ones out, but Grandma Peg let them pick out ornaments that were Grandma Weeze's which is much more special for them anyway. Todd was watching tv while the Josh Groban Christmas CD was blaring & the kids are yelling & having a blast, (what a bum, not much of a tree decorating fan I guess, he did help out with the lights though). By the time we finally got it finished it was very late, the kids were still bouncing off the walls, but they had school the next day, so off to bed they went. It was a fun evening.

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