Monday, November 10, 2008

Fun times with Makenna!

Me & Makenna

Kim, Me, & Tiff

Brylee, Taylor, & Mak

Brylee, Taylor, Marley, & Mak

On Friday night I took Makenna to the Carrie Underwood concert with some of our friends. It was a lot of fun to see how excited the girls were to go to the concert, it was the first concert for a few of them, so as you can imagine girls from the ages of 8-11...there was a lot of singing & screaming going on while we drove to the concert! I sat in the back with them, they taught me a new little song/chant they like to do...Whats that, a hat, a funky junky crazy hat, overslept, hair unsightly, trying to look like Kira Knightly, we've been there, we've done that, we see right through your funky hat. (I believe that is right!) Something from Wizards of Waverly Place. Anyhow they have body movements & the whole bit, you say it with lots of attitude. What a crack up! Totally takes me back to my days with my BFF Michelle, we would spend hours doing the different hand slapping chants, singing songs, like Going to the chapel and were gonna get married, that was one of the funnest summers of my life. We would sit in the motor home at Roosevelt Lake, it is like 120 degrees inside & we are playing a card game of Speed and listening to old tunes! Anyhow back to the concert, I will have to reminisce when I have more time! So we drove to the concert, got there took some pictures before we went in, then we found some food because we were all pretty hungry, got the girls all tshirts before so we didn't have to fight the crowds afterwards, found our seats, and the first act was Little Big Town. For those of you who know me you know I don't listen to much country music, I don't hate it or anything, I just prefer other stuff, so I honestly had no idea who they were. Turns out they weren't so bad, nothing fantastic, but they were pretty good. So when they finished it was time to wait for the big star of the evening to appear. We wait & wait, finally the 5 minute countdown begins, girls start screaming! We are down to the last minute, everyone starts to stand up, the girls are jumping up & down totally excited, we are having bets on if she comes out in a dress, pants, skirt, or what, well she pops out from the stage...and is wearing all black, dress/skirt, with black leggings, & sky high boots! Amazing! The girls are singing away, they know every word to every song. In fact on our drive to the concert we forgot the CD, however the girls said we don't need it & busted out singing All American Girl, not missing a beat or word! So cute! Anyway the concert was amazing, I would go see her anytime. The girls loved it. However Brylee, which is Makenna's BFF sacked out about 45 minutes in to the show, and if any of you know my Mak you will know she didn't make it either! LOL! I look at her & she has her head leaned to the side...eyes getting very heavy, she is singing the song, it is one of her favs she has been waiting to hear all night, next thing I know her eyes are closed...mouth still moving, then suddenly mouth stops moving & she is out!! How can anyone fall asleep at a concert?! The loud music the yelling & screaming, I was a little surprised, but it had been a long day with school & all and I am sure the anticipation of the event took up so much energy! So when it was over I woke her up & she was totally ok with falling asleep, she is a girl who needs her sleep, doesn't matter where she is or what she is doing, if she is tired, she will fall asleep, oddly enough her BFF is the exact same way, so it works out for them, they fall asleep while the rest of the girls are having a good time, but for them they don't feel like they are missing out because they have each other and they need their sleep! It was a fun time. I think I will wait a few more years before we do another night concert with her, or make sure it is on a Saturday where she can rest a bit before hand. It was a fun night & I am so glad I have a daughter that I can spend girl time with!

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