Wednesday, April 29, 2009

And then there were 7...

Yes, you guessed right, we will be adding another child to complete our family! We are excited to finally announce that I am pregnant. I am 13 weeks and due Nov. 2 (my moms birthday!) which means most likely it will be in October since I have had all of them weeks early. The kids are hoping for a girl, I am having mixed emotions about another girl, on one hand it would be fun, but I have nothing for a girl & everything for a boy, so the boy would be much more convenient & would fit right in with the other 2 little boys. Either way we are excited & know that whatever Heavenly Father sends us we will be grateful for! We will find out May 28th what it is. I am starting to feel a little overwhelmed with the thought of 5 kids and with Russ & this one being so close in age, they will be around 21 months apart. I have always had several years between all of them so this will be a new experience for me, one I guess I need the several months of pregnancy to prepare for!

Most of you know I am pretty lucky & never get sick and so far that has been the case. I have been exhausted, but I suppose that is to be expected! I can tell I have hit my 2nd trimester though because the tiredness is finally starting to wear off some. I finally feel like I have energy to update my blog!! I am so behind because we have been so busy with stuff this month. I will just have to post things as I have time to, they might be really behind, but for me as long as I post them and the memory is there that is all that matters!


Debbie said...


melinda said...

Yay! Congratulations! I actually saw your mom in Trappers a few days before I had my baby, and she said you were expecting #5! Happy Pregnancy!!

Unknown said...

My mom called me after Easter weekend and asked "so did you know Jody is pregnant again" I answered 'Yes' and her next question..."So why didn't you tell me?" hee hee...I told her I figured she'd find out soon enough from Peggy! :) Glad all is still going well with the pregnancy and you are feeling good. Can't wait to find out. Now you and your mom can start planning your trip up here to visit now that preslie has the OK to go out! Wooohooo...I hope it can work out and we can have some 'old times' back withthe 4 ofus. Loveyou girl!!!

The Mason's said...

I am so glad you finally broke the news to the rest of the world. I have mentioned it my blog several times and then had to go back and re-write some things leaving that piece out. I didn't want to have people bombarding you with questions!!! Whew....I can't wait...another precious addition to an already precious bunch!!! And this time I will be here for it. Yeah!!!

Brian and Ami said...

Congrats! That is just awesome! Five kiddos!?! I get nervous with the thought of adding a second one to the family!

Kristie said...

Glad you are still feeling good. Definately makes pregnancy bearable. Call me when you have an appt. so we can go to lunch.

w said...

Hey guys! We miss you and think of you often.Congrats on #5. That is awsome!We need to get together sometime.Im so glad I found your blog! Jenell

JULIE said...


Jessica said...

COngratulations!!! I am excited for you....and think you are the woman for having 5 kids!! I can't wait to hear what you are having!!

once upon a poppy said...

what?!?! i am getting caught up on my blogging. i've had no internet for a week. congrats! who would have thought you'd have 5 kids!!!! but you are a great mom so you'll do great.