Monday, March 9, 2009

Sumo Wrestling

This weekend we were invited to a friends 30th birthday party, it was a Luau. The food was excellent and the entertainment was the best! They had sumo suits and held a sumo wrestling tournament! It was so funny. Todd ended up taking 2nd place in the mens, I was able to capture video of a few of his fights. You have to watch them, they are so funny

This first video is short, but you have to listen closely as the guy falls he starts yelling OH NO! It is so funny, we have watched it over & over. Just to put things in to perspective the guy he was up against seriously outweighs him by about 175-200 lbs I am sure, so everyone thought Todd was toast, however I was awfully proud of my little sumo, he kicked butt!

This next video is a little longer, it is pretty low key until the end when Todd's opponent, Duane aka the birthday boy decides to do a kick in the air, so funny! Then Todd had to finish him off! (FYI the girl who jumped on Duane at the end is his wife...its all good!)

It was a great time, I am not sure I have laughed that hard in quite awhile, it was just so funny to see everyone hopping around in the sumo suits trying to fight each other! Happy 30th Birthday Duane, thanks for the good time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OH my goodness those are so funny. Who would have thought Todd was so naturally talented as a Sumo wrestler! Just think, if he ever gets tired doing what he's doing, he has another career waiting for him. Love you guys!