Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Keep the Vacuum Away from the 4 year old!

"Our little HICKEY LIPS"
Funny thing happened this week! Monday we were driving home, Garret had a bag of potato chips that he "accidentally" dumped out in the backseat. So we pull up in the garage & I turn on the central vac system in the garage and put him to work cleaning up the mess. Meanwhile I am putting things away from the car & getting Russ out. I get back out there check the situation he has sucked all the chips up, I turn the vacuum off and he yells to me hey I was just sucking my mouth. As a busy mom I just kind of laughed & finished on with my afternoon. That night we went to our neighbors house for dinner & FHE and he had a gatorade, well he kept licking his lips and Todd tells him you better stop doing that because you are going to get chapped, at this point the lips are really red & all around them is also red. (me still oblivious to what is happening just thinking it is Gatorade and some dryness!) Then before bed he brushes & uses that Agent Cool Blue Listerine mouthwash, he is downing the stuff, and it appears he has it all over his face, I am thinking he can't use that anymore if it is going to stain his mouth like that. So next morning when he wakes up his lips are purple and I am thinking how am I going to get that off his face, so I get a washcloth & soap, scrubbing his face like crazy & nothing is coming off. I finally start looking very close at the situation & realize...oh my gosh...YOU REALLY SUCKED YOUR MOUTH, DIDN'T YOU!! He starts to laugh a little. So I try explaining to him that we can't stick the hose on to our skin because it pulls the blood up to the surface, he is thinking this sounds pretty cool, so he says well how are we going to get it off, I tell him it has to go away on its own. So all day he keeps looking in the mirror and laughing at himself, it looked like he had dark purple lip liner on and then all the purple under his lip and the small area on his chin. The picture really doesn't do it justice, (I took it with my phone because my camera was dead.) Every time I looked at him I would just smile. So his new nickname for the week is hickey lips, thanks to his dad. He still isn't quite comprehending why the vacuum did that but I can almost guarantee it will happen again!


Unknown said...

Is anything ever dull with Garrett around! :) That is too funny...something Jaden would do! Love ya girl...was so good to have our 5+hour chat the other night! I've missed ya!xo

Brian and Ami said...

That is too funny!

Mandi Abaroa said...

That's too cute!

MJMILLS said...