Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Birthday #2 for Russ

Russ before the party started, he is wearing Garret's old boots that are huge on him, but he doesn't care, that is all he wants to wear is boots these days!

Sitting with his #2 cake, that's as creative as I seem to get anymore!

His toy from Grandma & Papa a CAT haul truck that makes noise & goes on its own.

His present from Mom & Dad, a push motorcycle

Blowing out his candles. (Notice the slash on his eyebrow?!)
So for Russ's 2nd birthday we didn't do anything to exciting but it was fun. Papa & Grandma came over & brought pizza & wings for dinner. We ate, then opened presents, then we had cake & ice cream. Between the opening of presents & the cake we had a bit of an accident which brings us back to the slash on his eyebrow! He was going down the hallway on that new fancy motorcycle & lost his balance & toppled it over. Of course he can't just land on the tile, that would be to easy, his glasses hit the tile baseboard & the frame slashes his eyebrow open. I am so used to the boys getting hurt & screaming so we hear his scream & I just sit there on the couch like here we go...again. Gma Skeet races to the hallway to check on him & starts yelling there is blood to which me & Todd immediately hop up to the rescue. The poor guy was bleeding pretty good. We get him rested on the counter & are trying to clean him up & get the bleeding to stop, well he is just screaming, not because he is hurt but because we have taken him away from his new toy & now Garret is on it. We finally get him cleaned up & are contemplating whether to take him in for stitches or not, Todd finally decides that he is a boy & it is right in the middle of his eyebrow so he will be fine. In the mean time he is back on the motorcycle & could care less that he just slashed his eyebrow open & we can see white flesh sticking out! So then it is time for cake & ice cream, well we had taken the glasses off because they took a beating on that crash & one of the arms was all jacked up. He goes to blow his candles out & since he is farsighted, what does he do, he gets closer & closer & closer to the flames & finally it is hot enough on his lip that he jumps back & out goes the candle & he is thinking maybe that hurt & he should cry, but he didn't, he just sat there looking at it & Garret blew the other one out. Meanwhile Papa, Grandma, Todd & I, are laughing so hysterically that we can't say a word, Todd finally says are we stupid, poor kid can't see 2 inches in front of him & we put him in front of flames with no glasses & say blow them out! Duh! Anyway it was an eventful birthday night for Russ!


The Mason's said...

The I miss out on!! Im laughing so hard I have tears...Poor Russy, doesnt look like he could catch a break on his birthday! Still can't believe he's 2. Where does the time go?

The Mason's said...

I meant to say the THINGS is miss out on!!

Hall-A-Days said...

Hahahaha!!! That was hilarious! Poor kid! He looks so cute in those pictures! I can't believe he's already 2 too!