Thursday, January 28, 2010

15 Years & Counting!

Today we celebrate 15 years of marriage!
It's amazing to me how quickly time has gone by but when I stop & really think about the past 15 years I realize we have been through a lot! I think of everything we have accomplished, all the good times, all the bad times, the births of our 5 kids, and all the different "lives" we have lived, and most importantly how much our love for each other & our eternal bond has increased in these past 15 years. How lucky I am to have such an amazing husband who works so hard to provide a good life for our family and to give us all the things we need to survive this life & for the strength & support he is to me. If I had it to do all over again...would I?! You bet your life I would. I believe we are who we are because of each other and we were meant to be together on this journey we call life and I wouldn't want to do it with anybody else!


Alicia said...

Happy Anniversary!

the Harris Family said...

What a sweet post! You guys are great together. Happy Anniversary!

Unknown said...

WOW! congrats on years..seems like yesterday I was going to your wedding...ok not really, does feel like 15 years ago, but really congrats! Love you guys and awesome new house...LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! xo