Monday, October 20, 2008

My Amazing Husband

I just wanted to post a little something special about my husband. With 4 kids it seems that sometimes he gets lost and pushed to the back never hear him complain about it though! I am so proud of him for all of his accomplishments. He will be graduating from U of P in a few weeks and I know it has been a long road for him, but what an accomplishment, he is the first of his immediate family to graduate from a University, he is also one of the first to ever graduate within both sides of his extended family. I am still not sure if he really wanted to go to school, but he did it and finished, yes it took him almost 8 years (he gets reminded of that regularly!) but the important thing is he finished what he set out to do and nothing makes me more proud of him. During this time of going to school full time & trying to be a husband & father he managed to quit a very stressful job working for a huge corporation, which he had worked very hard for, (started as a loader operator and years later ended up being a plant manager) he managed to start up his own business doing what he loves...playing in the dirt all day. He started Western Aggregates almost 2 years ago, it is a sand and gravel business. He loves just about every minute of it and best of all one of his business partners is his best friend, his dad. How blessed I am to have such a hard working husband who is so willing to go the extra mile to provide for me & our kids. I am thankful to my Heavenly Father everyday for the blessing of Todd in my life. We have been together for 15 years now, married for almost 14. Because of getting married so young I have now been with Todd as long as I was with my parents! I can't imagine life any other way. He is my best friend, the one I think about all the time, the one I can't wait to walk in the door, even after this many years when I hear him pull up my heart beats fast because I know the other part of me is back home safe and without him I am not complete. I can't imagine spending eternity with any one else. He continually puts up with me and loves me for who I am. How grateful I am to him for the amazing life he has given to us and the amazing person he is, I love you babe!

1 comment:

Mandi Abaroa said...

Yay for Todd! Congrats! This was such a sweet post. I'm glad things are going well.