Can I get a woot woot! Ok so I'm gonna try the blogging again. Its been bothering me for months now that I haven't had time to get on here & post something. So its been almost a year since the last post. Let's just say there is no getting that year back & trying to repeat it, that would take another year. So lets just jump past & I'll give you an update on our life, then maybe we can all understand why I don't have much xtra time these days!
Todd-Since the last post he was put in the YM's presidency, then about 2 months later he was called to be the 2nd counselor in the Bishopric, yes you heard right, Todd in the bishopric! He is still on the school board, running 2 successful businesses, & coaching Garret in baseball. We occassionally see each other here & there & make the most of date nights these days! So proud of the great guy he is & all that he does for our family!
Me-A few changes here & there for me over the past year also! One of the biggest reasons for my lack of blog posts is that I was put in as the Primary President back in June and that took over my world for several months. I am still serving as the Primary President, there was some talk about being released when they put Todd in but I pretty much told the bishopric & Stake pres my thoughts on that, obviously they decided to leave the redhead alone & let her serve! I love every minute of Primary & being able to spend time with the kids in our ward. So other big change in my life that has consumed a large chunk is my obsession with jeans and finding the PERFECT career for myself (like I currently need a career!) Back in July I had a "jean party" for a friend, well my love for denim couldn't let me stop thinking about how awesome it would be to have jeans all the time, so I became a consultant for Vault Denim and I quickly became a Regional Coordinator for the company & now I am also on the Executive Leadership Council. It has been a non stop jean party since August for the Hall family! I love every minute of it & am so happy I decided to turn my passion for jeans in to making some moola! Gets me out of the house a few hours a week & allows me to work from home & still feel successful & like a contributor to our financial needs (aka..wants!). On top of these 2 changes I continue of course to run kids to & from everything imaginable. I got a brand new suburban back in July...it had about 6 miles on it, it already has over 25K on it, safe to say we live in the car these days!
Brennen-He is going to be 16 in June, yes its true, he will be old enough to drive! Over the weekend he did his Eagle Scout project, he taught a CPR class. He got first aid & CPR certified & then he passed the course to become a CPR instructor so he could teach others. He did a great job & we are so proud of him for finally getting it done. Brennen is as fantastic as always. I couldn't ask for a better oldest child (cleaner maybe!). Always a strong example to the younger kids and always keeps us laughing or annoyed (he is good at both!). He has been asked to talk in our Stake Conference in a few weeks, 10-15 minutes on strength of youth. He is involved in everything possible so Im not even gonna try to list everything. Overall he is just an oustanding kid (minus the clean part!).
Makenna-Is going to be 12 in June. She is turning in to quite the little lady these days. Sometimes it makes me happy, sometimes it makes me sad! She is the best big sister you could imagine. Always helping out with the little ones & being their 2nd mom (sometimes she is the 1st mom & I have to remind them all I'm the real mom!) She is a great helper all around! Back in the fall she played volleyball on the school team & did really well, she loves volleyball & you very seldom see her without one. She made the softball team at her school & this is really her first time ever playing, well since tball when she was 4. She has done pretty good so far! She was playing the piano but recently quit because she just doesn't like it. This bums me out, but hopefully someday she will decide to do it again. She will get to go girls camp in June, this doesn't seem like it could happen already, but it is! She is excited & I'm excited for her! Makenna is an amazing daughter!
Garret-He is back to playing baseball. His first year with a pitching machine. He is playing catcher on & off & so far doing well with it! Garret is an interesting little boy! He is full of it & can be very moody, we really have to tiptoe around the boy sometimes! He is 6 & in kindergarten. We held him back because he turned 5 on the first day of school last year. So he is the oldest in his class & I think he likes that! He is super smart & is doing amazing in school. His teacher is always pushing him to learn more & he is eating it all up. He likes to ride his quad that Gpa Terry fixed for him & he likes to ride his bike. He is a great big brother 80% of the time! Garret is a fun boy & Im so glad he is part of our family!
Russ-Oh my little Russy! What can I say about him?? Depends on what day it is, we have a LOVE/HATE relationship! Russ has a mind of his own & is very hard to change. We typically go a few battle rounds every day! He is super smart & loves more than anything to go to work with dad. He loves work, I can take him to Todd & his Papa & he just wants to work all day. But it is probably lots of kids dream to have bigger than life loaders & dump trucks running around! He loves anything to do with loaders & haul trucks. He is at that age that he doesn't shut up, constantly talking talking talking! I love most every minute with Russ!
My little Laynee Bug-she is almost 19th months old & is now in nursery with Russ. She jibber jabbers all day long, however we don't understand anything she says! Occassionally she throws out a real word, her dad thinks she has a speech problem..I think she is a 19th month old who is sassy & just wants to talk all the time & be heard! Laynee & Russ like to fight, but I can also tell they are probably going to be really close. They are finally starting to play & she follows him everywhere. She is still a sweet girl & fills my heart with joy every time I get to rock her. It is safe to say with the little attitude she is growing lately, she will run the Hall household!
Razzy-yes an update on the dog. Sadly our boxer Razz has a mass tumor. She is 9 yrs old now which is pretty old for a boxer. We have chosen to just give her pain meds when we can tell she is having a bad day. Overall she is in great health for now, so we will just keep spending time with her & let her finish out her life and when we notice she isn't doing so great we will have to make a decision. She is the best boxer you could imagine!
So there's a little update on the Halls. Im going to TRY to do better with updates, even if they are small & simple.