Saturday, October 17, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Laynee is finally here!!

She was born on Monday, October 12, 2009 at 6:42 pm,
She weighed 7 lbs 7.5 oz and was 18.75 inches long.
She is perfect in every way! She has really dark hair, which was shocking
to us all,she doesn't look like any of our other babies who had fuzzy reddish
blonde hair. She has a darker complexion than the other kids did, so I keep
looking at her & thinking is this really one of our babies?! So far
she has been fantastic! We got to come home from the hospital on Tuesday
night, we didn't arrive home until 9:30ish and the kids were going crazy because
they hadn't been able to see her yet because the hospital wouldn't let even siblings
in because of RSV & Swine flu. We were so excited to finally have her home. She
has slept super good, only waking up once during the night to eat & we have
only heard her sweet little cry a few times. I am so glad she is finally here & we can
now say our family circle is complete, fifth & final is what Todd tells everyone!
Friday, October 9, 2009
What's Missing?
My bag is packed, dresser is full, diapers are stacked, crib is ready, carseat is awaiting something to sit in it, laundry done for a week, pantry & fridge stocked, house cleaned, arrangements made...hmmm...I am starting to wonder if she is ever going to make her appearance. I have never been more prepared to bring a baby home than this time!

Russ Gets Glasses!

Laynee's Baby Shower
On Oct. 3rd some of my best friends gave me a baby shower, it was so much fun & I am so lucky to have such great caring friends & family! We got so many SUPER cute outfits, I can't wait to dress her up! We also got lots of handmade quilts & blankets that are adorable. It was strange to be opening up things for a baby girl, my brain has just been doing boy for so long & it has been over 10 years ago that I had Makenna. We are so excited for her to get here. Thanks to all my friends and family for all the love & continued support, even if you do think I am crazy for having 5 kids!! I love you all!

Garret's First T-ball Game

The day before Garret's first practice he told me he was having this weird feeling like he was going to be embarrassed to play tball because he didn't know anyone. I told him the feeling was nervousness & that he had nothing to worry about because his Dad & Papa are his coach so at least he would know them. After his first practice he loved it & had so much fun & now that is how he spends lots of his free time, practicing, throwing the ball in the air & catching it. Yesterday he was out front in the dirt and rolling grounders to himself, he would roll it, then run as fast as he could to catch it before it stopped, it was pretty funny. Of course he had to slide in the dirt & get as dirty as he possibly could while doing it, and Russ was right behind him chasing & falling as soon as Garret would. Boys will be boys!

Baby Piglets are born

Todd artificially inseminated the kids 4H pigs with some "high dollar" specimen. Here is the first litter? born. We took some pictures of the mom to be the night before, she was huge & looked miserable (funny that I can relate & really felt sorry for her!). This pig is Lawnmower if you look back through old posts.
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