On January 3rd we were in Snowflake to be there for the setting of my nephews gravestone. I was so glad that we were able to be there. Between the Powers family & the Christiansen family, & a few friends it was a full audience for the guys putting it in! For those of you that don't know my nephew passed away on Aug. 31 from a rare immune disorder. He was born on Feb. 25, 2008. After about a months long fight in the hospital & test after test his time here on earth was done, his mission accomplished and he was reunited with those he had so recently left only 6 months earlier. What a blessing to have a celestial child in our family. My brother Michael & his wife Clarice are amazing. It is safe to say they were chosen for this task and the strength that they have shown through losing their baby has been tremendous. This was the greatest testimony building experience I have ever had the opportunity to be apart of, how grateful I am to them everyday for letting us be involved with his last hours here on earth. He was a special baby, given to special parents who the Lord knew could handle giving him back after the small amount of time they were given with him. How thankful I am to know we have eternal families & will someday be reunited with him again!